Tuesday, August 23, 2011


There seems to be a theme in my life right now - waiting. Waiting for direction. Waiting on transitions. Waiting on test results. Waiting on therapists. Waiting for children. Waiting at stoplights.  I HATE waiting at stoplights, by the way, but, I digress. J All that being said, waiting is just not something I do well – which is probably why God is determined to make me practice.

The last several days, I have had a John Waller song stuck in my head that I first heard during the movie Fireproof.  It played in the background as Caleb went about his day, waiting to see what God will do in his in marriage when it seemed like there was no hope for reconciliation.

I am waiting.
I’m waiting on You Lord and I am hopeful.
I’m waiting on you Lord, though it is painful,
 but patiently I will wait.

And I will move ahead, bold and confident.
Taking every step in obedience.

While I’m waiting I will serve you.
While I’m waiting I will worship.
While I’m waiting I will not faint.
I’ll be running the race even while I wait….

The outcomes of most of my circumstances aren’t as critical as Caleb’s, but it seems that at every turn I am waiting for something. The question is, will I be patient?  Will I be hopeful? More importantly, will I move ahead bold and confident? I hope so.

It all comes down to an issue of control – or more so – who is in control. I can live my life impatient because things aren’t happening on my timeframe, or I can trust that what needs to happen will happen in His. I can struggle in the now, or I can move ahead hopeful that tomorrow will be a better day. It’s all in the perspective.

So for now, I’ll be running the race…even while I wait.

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